Donations to Network Against Human Trafficking and Slavery make a direct impact on our ability to prevent future victimization. Funds raised are used to:

  • create more awareness in our communities about the reality of human trafficking particularly domestic human trafficking,
  • hold more training sessions for professionals in social services, health care, and education,
  • support our efforts to advocate for policy changes that support victims and make it harder for traffickers to function,
  • and help us create additional community partnerships to prevent, identify, and stop local trafficking activity.

Donations are processed through PayPal but a PayPal account is not required. You may choose to pay with any credit card.

If you prefer to mail a check, please make your checks payable to Iowa Network Against Human Trafficking and send to 5508 West Lincoln Way, Ames, IA 50014. Thank you.

All donations to Network Against Human Trafficking and Slavery are tax-deductible and any amount is appreciated. Please donate today.